Point-in-Time Recovery is a paid feature.

If you’re using Infisical Cloud, then it is available under the Pro Tier. If you’re self-hosting Infisical, then you should contact sales@infisical.com to purchase an enterprise license to use it.

Infisical’s point-in-time recovery functionality allows secrets to be rolled back to any point in time for any given folder or environment. Every time a secret is updated, a new snapshot is taken – capturing the state of the folder and environment at that point of time.


Similar to Git, a commit (also known as snapshot) in Infisical is the state of your project’s secrets at a specific point in time scoped to an environment and folder within it.

To view a list of snapshots for the current folder, press the Commits button.

This opens up a sidebar from which you can select to view a particular snapshot:

Rolling back

After pressing on a snapshot from the sidebar, you can view it and roll back the state of the folder to that point in time by pressing the Rollback button.

Rolling back secrets to a past snapshot creates a creates a snapshot at the top of the stack and updates secret versions.

Rollbacks are localized to not affect other folders within the same environment. This means each folder maintains its own independent history of changes, offering precise and isolated control over rollback actions. Put differently, every folder possesses a distinct and separate timeline, providing granular control when managing your secrets.